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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-09-14 08:08:17 Views : 28571 Unlock Golfers and Courses Enter the following case-sensitive codes: WOOGLIN - Unlock all golfers ITSINTHEHOLE - Unlock all courses GOLDENAGE - Tiger Woods with a hat TECHNICOLOR - Tiger Woods with old striped pants THROWBACK - Tiger Woods with very old golf outfit OLDSKOOL - Tiger Woods alternate old golf outfit ARNIESARMY - Arnold Palmer THEHAWK - Ben Hogan FEATHERIE - Old Tom Morris IDONTHAVEAPROBLEM - Tommy Black CRIMSONROSE - Rose Carpenter MOCHATIME - M. Chino DOUBLEDOWN - J. Dinkerbach GOPHER - Hal Duf ROIDRAGE - A. Eichelberg WHOISTHISGUY - E. Johnson NORTON - M. Leblanc HIGHHOOK - C. McGinnis LAZ - R. Montague THREENAMES - C. Montoya DIPPINIT - M. Murray SUZZIEMCQ - Suzzane Mcintyre POCKETPAIR - W. Rounder WANTSMORE - T. Shortknocker VERYSNEAKY - Dr. Smyth BELLEOFTHEBALL - A. Townsend FIVEPOUNDS - T. Underwood THECADDY - D. Wheller KNOWITALL - S. Whittfield OUTTAMYWAY - Suzzie Mcintyre RUSHBETA - L. Daniels BIGHEAD - N. Hopkins HOFFMAN - J. Hozzle VARSITY - R. Irons BAYSIDE - R. Kumar Trophy balls Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy ball and attribute point bonus: Aces Wild (3,000 points): Hit a hole-in-one to Ace. Birdie Buster (3,000 points): Shoot twelve Birdies in one round. Birdie Streak (3,000 points): Shoot six consecutive Birdies. First Birdie (500 points): Shoot a Birdie. First Distance Putt (2 putting points): Sink a 20 foot putt. First Eagle (1,000 points): Shoot an Eagle. First Long Drive (2 power points): Hit a 300 yard drive. First Par (250 Points): Make par on a hole. First Tournament Win (1,000 points): Win a tournament. Long Distance Putt (3 putting points): Sink a 50 foot putt. Low Round (3,500 points): Shoot a sub 60 round. Par 4 Green In 1 (2 long game points): Hit a par 4 green with one shot. Under Par (2,000 points): Shoot a sub-par round. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 cheat codes.
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